Carrot Bites

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Carrot's a green apple

There's always a first time and this is my first blog. I don't normally share my thoughts, musings or whatever you call it for the whole world to either critique or praise but I do love the fact that a single word, a simple sentence, a typical blog like this has the power to touch, inspire, change or just affect another soul.

We used to call this journals or diaries--a record or collection of experiences and learnings that sum up our life. Now, it's a blog and as expected, I am again trying to start one. Yes, that's right. I'm a green apple. And at 29, please pardon my unabashed way of saying that. But at this point in my life it takes so much effort to pretend so i figured why not just be true to myself.

I loved writing. I spent 3 years in high school discovering it, four years in college learning it, 5 years at work practicing it and then I just stopped. Somewhere between paying the bills and getting fat, I just stopped. And so after 3 long and dry years, I dare to go back. I dare to rekindle my long forgotten romance with the pen--let me continue to use that metaphor as romancing the keyboard does not quite capture the sentiment.

The problem with green apples--they write or come up with an idea and they immediately think it's new, that it's original. So I ask for your indulgence. Cut me some slack, please. I am relearning and unlearning. We are all green apples anyway--may it be in writing blogs, learning a new language, starting a new hobby or building careers in a new industry--at one point in our lives, we all have been or shall be labeled as such.

It's a good thing though that I'm not just a green apple. I'm also a carrot--and you know what they say about carrots? They're best eaten raw. This is my first blog and you're free to have a bite.


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